Language School in Ghent (Belgium)

Professional language courses in French, English, German, Dutch, Spanish or Italian

AddressItinerary, Sint-Pietersaalststraat 118, 9000 Ghent
Telephone+32 (0)9 244 64 62
Fax+32 (0)9 244 64 65

International School of Ghent
Quality education in Ghent. The International School Ghent (ISG) is a new school in the city of Ghent, Belgium.

AddressGaspar De Craeyerstaat 2- 9000 Ghent
Telephone+32 (0)9 2221 23 00

Language Posts:

  1. Language Dictionaries Online
  2. Language Dictionaries Books
  3. Language Dialects Slang
  4. Language Learning Online Courses Free
  5. Language Grammar Online
  6. Language Resources References
  7. Language Schools worldwide
  8. Language Translation Free
  9. Language Vocabulary
  10. Free Online Translation

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