Puerto Rico Newspaper and Magazine News Online

Puerto Rico National and Official Languages: Spanish and English.
Capital City: San Juan

San Juan Newspaper

Claridad (Spanish)
National, World, Sports, Opinion and Events.
Primerahora.com (Spanish)
Latest News, Shows, Movies, News, Sports, Horoscope, Blossom, Specials, Videos and Photos.
WAPA.tv (Spanish)
Entertainment video from Puerto Rico.
Vocero de Puerto Rico (Spanish)
Politics, Law and Order, Sports, Stage, News, Odd News, Business, Technology, World and Opinion.
El Nuevo Día (Spanish)
News from Puerto Rico, Last Minute Information and Media - The New Day.
Bandera Roja En Línea (Spanish)
Articles, Columns and News.
The Voice of Puerto Rico Self-Determination.
Periódico El Expresso de Puerto Rico (Spanish)
News, Local, USA, World, Report and Sports.
Periodico La Estrella (Spanish)
North Area Home.
La Perla del Sur (Spanish)
News, Local, National, Columns, People, Technology, Sports, Classifieds and Print Edition.
Periodico Impresiones (Spanish)
Puerto Rico, El Nuevo Dia, El Vocero, Primera Hora, Isla, Centro, ...
Lacordillera (Spanish)
Regional Weekly Newspaper.
El Periódico Caguas (Spanish)
The New Journal of Caguas, The best Weekly Newspaper of the Central-Eastern Region of Puerto Rico.

News and Magazines:

Language Posts:

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