Veterinary Dictionary Glossary Terms Lexicon Online
British Veterinary Abbreviations
Glossary of veterinary terms and acronyms from the Society of Practicing Veterinary Surgeons.
Riding and Training Terms, Horse
There is a wealth of jargon used throughout the horse world. This is especially true when discussing equine riding, whether English, Western, dressage, or competitive. Learning this vocabulary allows you to better understand articles, event language, and what trainers, farriers, veterinarians, and other horse owners are saying. The following list of terms, while in no way comprehensive, contains some of the terms used to discuss horse riding.
Glossary of Terms
The Colorectal Surgeon - London, England - Glossary of Terms.
Glossary of Veterinary Acronyms
The Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons.
Veterinary Glossary
Dictionary medical Glossary Veterinary.
Veterinary Terms
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America. Veterinary terminolgy including descriptions of Bernese Mountain Dogs health conditions.
Veterinary Glossary
Definitions and Abbreviations of Veterinary Terms.
Veterinary Glossary
The following terms are commonly used in veterinary medicine.
Glossary, medical terms
Glossary - Common medical terms used in the veterinary medicine profession.
Veterinary Abbreviations and Acronyms Guide
This list focuses on abbreviations and acronyms commonly used in veterinary practice and supplements the standard and widely available reference sources such as Gale's Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations Dictionary.
Veterinary Medicine
Holistic Veterinary Medicine Club Dictionary.
Veterinary Anatomical lllustrations
About the University of Wisconsin - Madison Botany Department Teaching Collection.
Dictionary of Veterinary Terms
Dictionary Listing Veterinary Terms -
Pet and Animal News: VETERINARY TERMS Dictionary.
Veterinary Medicine Library
Toxic Plant Database - Veterinary Medicine Library, UIUC.
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