Medical Brain Injury Dictionary Glossary Terms Lexicon Online

Brain Injury Glossary
About Brain Injury A Glossary of Terms - A Glossary of Terms - Brain Injury Glossary.
American Brain Tumor Association
Welcome to the American Brain Tumor Association, your source for information about brain tumors, new treatments, and help living with the diagnosis of a brain tumor.
Your Brain Map: Learning Strategies for Everyone The resource is an interactive infographic of a brain, highlighted by areas and explanations of what that area is known to do.
Brain Glossary
We would like to thank the Society for Neuroscience for their premission to reproduce this glossary.
Glossary of Terms
Glossary of Terms about the brain & its functions: axon, cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, nervous system, neurons, neurology, etc.
Brain Injury Glossary
This pages linked in this section of our web site lists medical terms commonly associated with brain injury. Entries in this glossary have been simplified for ease of understanding by lay persons.
About Brain Injury
This section provides a basic understanding of brain injury, brain anatomy, coma and common terms used in the field of brain injury.
ABTA Dictionary for Brain Surgery Patients
ABTA Dictionary for Brain Tumor Patients -This dictionary explains terms the patient with a brain tumor is likely to hear or read.
Traumatic Brain Injury Glossary of Terms
The Traumatic Brain Injury Glossary of Terms includes definitions for over 200 brain injury related terms from HDI's Brain Injury Glossary.
BrainInfo is designed to help you identify structures in the brain.
Brain Tumor Patients
Although everyone's brain tumor journey is different, there are some questions that nearly everyone has.
About Brain Injury
This section provides a basic understanding of brain injury, brain anatomy, coma and common terms used in the field of brain injury.
Glossary Brain
Glossary adapted with permission from the Brain and Spine Foundation website.
Neurology Glossary
The website of the NeuroPrion Network of Excellence on prion diseases.
Brain Injury Glossary
Brain injury, world's largest brain injury library and comprehensive brain injury resources.
Brain Tumor Dictionary
These are simplified definitions of common medical terms.
Dictionary of Brain Tumors
This dictionary explains terms a person with a brain tumor is likely to hear or read.
Brain Tumor Glossary
Jane's Brain Page.
Glossary Neurolaw
Brain Explorer - Glossary.
The Whole Brain Atlas
Normal Brain - Cerebrovascular Disease (stroke or "brain attack") - Neoplastic Disease (brain tumor) - Degenerative Disease - Inflammatory or Infectious Disease.

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