Learn Klingon Online Free Learning Languages
Learn Klingon free online with Klingon lessons in grammar, Klingon Courses, Tutorial, vocabulary, useful phrases, pronunciation and other Materials. Klingon language resources to help you learn Klingon vocabulary fast and for free!
Klingon Language Meeting Germany
The Klingon language is a constructed language made for the alien race of the "Klingons" in Star Trek. The first few words had been invented in 1979 by James Doohan ("Scotty") for the first Star Trek movie.
Klingon Postal Course
Created by Dave Barron and intended as a supplement to The Klingon Dictionary, the Postal Course introduces students to the vocabulary and grammar of tlhIngan Hol (Klingon language), building comprehension and familiarity as they progress through an eleven-lesson series.
Klingon Lesson
Klingon Teacher. Klingon Lesson - Introduction.
Learn Klingon
Words in Klingon, Klingon Songs and More.
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