Italian Language Linguistics, Culture and Literature

Italian is spoken in the following countries: Italy, San Marino, Vatican City and Switzerland.

Italian Slang: Le Parolacce
It's the dirty little secret of foreign language learning that often takes place by referring to banned books, spoken in hushed tones with a wink and a nod, or cornering someone in the know.
Italian resources
Culture and History - Country / City Tour - Literature and Language - Grab Bag.
Secolo Manualetto
L'italiano del XXI secolo Manualetto per studenti stranieri by Sabina Gola.
Risposte ai quesiti
Lingua Italiana - Consulenza linguistica.
I read Italian
Welcome to I read Italian, a collection of resources for anyone interested in teaching or learning Italian as a second language.
Accademia della Crusca
Il pi� bel fior ne coglie.
Type Italian characters online
This page allows you to easily type Italian characters (sometimes called "Italian accents") without an Italian keyboard.
PastaCast ~ Italian Culture, Grammar, and News.
Italian (PDF document)
Modern neutral Italian Pronunciation.
Romance languages: Italian
Verbix -- Romance languages: conjugate Italian verbs.

Italian LearningItalian Language Exercises
Italian Language GammesItalian Grammar
Italian Language ListenngItalian Language Lyrics
Italian PhraseItalian Language Schools
Italian PronunciationItalian Quizzes
Italian TestItalian Verb
Italian Learn BooksItalian Grammar Books
Italian DictionaryItalian English Translators
Italian Dictionary BooksItalian Hungarian Dictionary
Italian English TranslatorItalian Vocabulary
Italian Resources

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