Online Languages General Information and Resources
"I don't understand" over 255 languages
In addition to the ways to say "I don't understand" in many languages on this page, other lists of translations in many languages: hello, how are you?, welcome, goodbye, please, thank you, what is your name?, my name is..., do you speak English?, yes, and no.
"Do you speak English?" in many languages
"Do you speak English?" in more than 215 languages.
Say Hello to the World
If you wanted to say hello to everybody in the world, how many people would that be? And how many languages would you have to learn?
Languages in Europe
BBC Education - Languages across Europe.
Top 40 Languages
Earliest Civilizations: Languages with more than 30,000,000 Speakers as of 1993.
ATLAS Languages
ATLAS - A taste of languages at school.
Lingva Prismo
Lingva Prismo shows the colour and diversity of the world's languages. It is a service of the Esperanto movement.
Digital Dialects
This site contains free to use interactive activities for learning languages and links to study resources.
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