Language Chat
Chat for everyone learning English
Here you can talk English live with other ESL teachers and students from around the world.
German Language Chat (Deutscher Chat)
Your meeting place for live German chat and the German language.
Chat abbreviations
Ever wondered what all those acronyms mean in chat sessions, this will give you a guide to understanding them.
Chat with people from all over the world in English.
Online International Chatrooms
Online International Chatrooms to learn Spanish, French, English and 100 Other Languages.
Hungarians Around The World
Hungarians around the World - ChatRoom.
Learn English and use English chat at English
Learn English at English, baby! We use fun movies and music to teach you REAL English.
Aftonbladet Chat
Swedish Language Chat.
Langue au chat
Langue au chat - anglicismes, traduction, localisation.
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