Glossary of Reptiles Terms, Lexicon, and Abbreviations

Glossary of Reptile Terms
A description of the Glossary of terms relating to reptiles, suitable for printing as a single document, to accompany the San Diego Natural History Museum's Field Guide for the Californias.
Coastal Plains Reptiles Glossary
Reptiles of the Coastal Plains.
Glossary of Herp & Related Terms
Melissa Kaplan's - Herp Care Collection - Glossary of Herp & Related Terms.
Reptile Glossary
Reptile Glossary of Terms - Herptiles and Arthropods - Science Terms for Reptiles, Amphibians, and Invertebrates.
Glossary of Iguana Terms
Green Iguana Society are didicated to providing quality information on iguana care as well as information on current iguana adoptions and rescues throught the United States and Canada.
Reptile Glossary
Glossary of reptile and amphibian terminology.
Dinosaur Omnipedia
The Dinosauria On-Line Dinosaur Omnipedia is maintained by Dinosauria On-Line on behalf of the Dinosaur Mailing List for use by the list and the public at large. The Dinosaur Mailing List is an e-mail based newsgroup, owned by Mickey Rowe, for scientific discussions about dinosaurs.
Glossary Snake
What's That Snake? OPLIN.
Cortland Herpetology Connection Glossary.
Glossary of mammalian dental topography
Many different terms have been proposed for features of the tooth crown in mammals.
Dinosaurs from A-Z is your resource for hunting dinosaurs. With profiles of over 300 known dinosaurs, immerse yourself in a wealth of knowledge about the giants that roamed the earth so long ago!.

Glossaries and Terminologies:

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