Glossary of Marine Terms, Lexicon, and Abbreviations
Glossary of Marine Biology
Marine Biology Web Page - Glossary of Marine Biology from Marine Biology: Function, Biodiversity, Ecology by Jeffrey Levinton (Oxford University Press, New York).
Marine forecasts glossary
Marine forecasts contain a number of terms which are used to convey specific meanings.
Marine Biology Glossary
Dive and Discover - Expeditions to the Seafloor - Glossary.
Dictionary of the Marine
William Falconer's Dictionary of the Marine.
Chichester Harbour Education - Marine conservation terms
The Chichester Harbour Conservancy Education Service aims to help everyone understand what is special about the harbour, what lives here, who uses the harbour and why we need to look after it.
Common Names
Hardy's Internet Guide to Marine Gastropods.
Glossary - Mollusks
School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences at the University of Washington: Molluscian Glossary.
Marine Dictionary
Marine Dictionary from Marine Surveys Ltd.
Marine Terms
Glossary of Marine Mammal Terms.
Glossary of Marine Biology
This large record of marine biology language presents a rich inventory of terms, definitions and very qualified explanations.
Crustacean Terms
Glossary of Crustacean Terms.
Glossary of Crustacean Terms
Identification Guide to Marine Organisms of Texas.
Marine Research Institute of Iceland
Find the names of various fishes in Icelandic, Latin, Norwegian, Danish, German, French, English, Faroese, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Marine Terms and Acronyms
Marine Institute Nautical Terminology and Nautical Acronyms.
Marine Biology Terms
Glossary of Marine Biology from Marine Biology: Function, Biodiversity, Ecology by Jeffrey Levinton (Oxford University Press, New York).
Whale Glossary
Blue Whale Comprehensive Information about Blute Whales.
Whale Glossary
Whale glossary explains basic terms about Cetaceans.
Glossary of Oceanography
Glossary of Oceanography and the Related Geosciences with References.
Online Dictionary of Marine Science Terms
A glossary of scientific terms related to the ocean and marine life from the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, California.
Ocean Glossary
This glossary of ocean terms defines words and phrases you may have heard but don't quite understand.
Glossary of Marine Life
Glossary, "Investigating Marine Life", Census of Marine Life.
Dictionary Marine
Dictionary English-French-German-Italian.
Dictionary Age of Exploration
The Mariners’ Museum: A Small Lexicon of Marine words.
Dictionary marine navigation - Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary.
Dictionary Titanic
ti tan ic (tí tan ik) adj. of great size or power.
Marine Signal Flags
International Marine Signal Flags.
The Captain's Clerk
The Captain's Clerk - USS Constitution.
Dictionary of Marine Corps Terms
Dictionary of Marine Corps Terms and Words Used in Vietnam.
Marine Ecology Glossary
Practical Shipbuilding Vocabulary
A-Z Glosary Marine terms dictionary.
Marine Home
Marine Organisms - Brief History of Marine Biology - Seas and Oceans - Wildlife Conservation.
Glossary of maritime terms
This glossary of maritime terms is offered as an aid to ...
Origin of Navy Terminology
Navy Department Library Origin of Navy Terminology.
Marine Navigators Glossary (PDF Document)
Glossary of Marine Navigation.
Glossaries and Terminologies: