Glossary of Management Terms, Lexicon, and Abbreviations
Library Preservation Glossary
The glossary that follows contains some of the most common technical words used in the literature of library preservation ...
Reliability Terms
Maintenance CMMS and Reliability Glossary.
Management Glossary
Glossary of terminology management.
Value Based management
Management Methods - Management Models - Management Theories.
Management Glossary
A glossary of business management terms.
Knowledge Management Terms
Organizations are complex organisms. For an organization to grow and prosper in this information age, it must become a learning organization understanding both its roots and branching out to new endeavors.
Pest Management Glossary
The Glossary of Pest Management Terms considers pest in its widest context (weeds, pathogens, insects, nematodes, vertebrates, parasites) and deals with pest management terms across all systems, and disciplines eg. biotechnology, forestry, agriculture, urban and domestic.
Glossary of Project Management Terms
Project Management News, Tools, Training, Certification, Jobs and More!
DMS Glossary
Document File Management System for LArge files - DMS Developers company |- DMS Software.
Glossary of Key Terms
Evaluation and Aid Effectiveness No. 6 - Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management (in English, French and Spanish)
Results Focussed Management and Budgeting (PDF Document)
Public administration, politics, economics. By the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 3 pages, 2002. A parallel version exists in French.
Office of Thrift Supervision Glossary
Glossary of Terms: Thrift Regulatory Terms, Thrift Industry Terms, Housing and Building Terms, Investment and Securities Terms.
Project Dictionary
Glossary of project management terms and acronyms used by project managers and business professionals.
Dictionary of Management Jargon
What your boss meant to say by William Wieker.
Dictionary of Livestock Management
Over 1,000 entries in German, English, Spanish, French, and Russian.
Dictionary Management
Dictionary of Management Jargon.
Information Management Consultants
Glossary of terms relating to thesauri and other forms of structured vocabulary for information retrieval.
Glossary Management Terms (PDF Document)
Glossary of General Business Continuity Management Terms.
Management Terms
Glossary of Document, Records and Content Management Terms
Management Glossary
This is a brief glossary of common terms used in quality or management.
Software Quality Assurance Glossary
Here you will find a definition of some of the most important terms in the field of Software Quality Management .
Management Dictionary
Description and explanation of management terminology. Management glossary and explanation.
Management Systems Consulting
HIPAA Glossary: Excellence in Computing Honesty ~ Integrity ~ Loyalty ~ Respect.
UN Public Administration Glossary
Following the recommendations made at the Seventh Session of the United Nations Committee of Experts in Public Administration (CEPA), the On-line Glossary on Governance and Public Administration was developed by the Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM) of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs in collaboration with CEPA.
New Product Development Glossary
TProduct Development and Management Association: the PDMA Glossary for New Product Development.
IT Performance Management Terms
Glossary of IT Performance Management Terms.
Glossaries and Terminologies:
- More Glossaries
- Advertising
- Accounting
- Business
- Contractor
- Debt
- Direct Marketing
- E-Business
- E-Commerce
- Economy Economics Finance
- Financial
- Futures & Options
- Management
- Marketing
- Market Research
- Investment
- Quality
- Quotations
- Risk Management
- Trade
- Stock Market
- Disease Dictionary
- Medical Dictionary
- Medical Glossaries