Glossary of IT - Information Technology Terms, Lexicon, and Abbreviations
Glossary IT
ROHAN Academic Computing: Glossary of Academic Information Technology Terms.
Information Technology Glossary
The information technology glossary has many terms and definitions covering many aspects of information technology, from the Internet, telecommunications, online computer security and a collection of help files.
Information and Educational Technology: Glossary
A more extensive independent technology glossary called the "Webopedia" is online ...
Glossary of IT Terms with Links
This glossary, which provides definitions and links to further information on IT and Computer related terms.
Information Technology Glossary
Technology Terminology - Glossary Technology Terms.
Information Technology Glossary
Information Technology Glossary of Terms.
IT fundamentals Glossary
ITCom: IT Glossary.
Information Technology glossary of terms
Computers, information technology, and the Internet.
Glossary of Terms
IT Glossary.
IT Glossary
Technology Defined. IT Glossary is your trusted guide to exploring technology terms and definitions, from the world's leading IT research and advisory company.
Glossary of terms used in IT
CA Global Security Advisor Glossary - Glossary of terms used in IT, especially in connection with security issues.
IT & Telecommunication - Glossarie
Glossaire abbréviations informatiques (English - French).
Abbreviations and Acronyms
There are a large number of abbreviations used in reporting the work of TILT, EMASHE and other UK higher education projects involving IT on teaching and learning.
Forkortelser - IT-Abbreviations.
IT Glossary
Zeus Lexicon Superb Computing - IT glossary.
Technical Terms
.bb Glossary of Technical Terms.
Glossary of ICT terminology
This Glossary of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) terminology, compiled by Graham Davies and Fred Riley, contains a list of technical terminology and terms specific to ICT and language learning and teaching.
Dictionary of Information Technology
American National Standard Dictionary of Information Technology (ANSDIT.
Glossaries and Terminologies: