Glossary of Insects Terms, Lexicon, and Abbreviations

Common Names
CSIRO Handbook of Australian Insect Names.
Glossary of Minibeast Terms
BuzzWords: A Glossary of Minibeast Terms by Gary A. Dunn, M.S., F.R.E.S., Director of Education.
Insect Glossary
From The Insect Families of British Columbia by R. A. Cannings and G. G. E. Scudder.
Glossary of entomology terms
This glossary describes terms used in the formal study of insect species by entomologists.
Antbase now provides for the first time access to all the ant species of the world, one of the ecologically most important groups of animals worldwide.
Glossary Insects
Field Guide To Insects and Diseases of Arizona and New Mexico Forests.
Social Insects Glossary
This glossary of entomological terms is based on Torre Bueno's Glossary, from which all terms relevant to ants, wasps, bees and termites where extracted.
Insect Glossary
Glossary of insect terminology.
Entomology Glossary
Comprehensive online glossary of Entomology Terms.
Insects Terms
Insect Classification Glossary of Entomological Terms.
A Glossary of Entomological Terms
Coleoptera : A Glossary of Entomological Terms - Coleoptera Search Page.
Butterfly Glossary
Invasive Insect Pests
Information on Insects from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.
Glossary of Entomology, Crop Protection, Integrated Pest Management
A database with technical words and terms related to entomology, crop protection and integrated pest management.
Insect Glossary
Northern Rockies Natural History Guide.
A Glossary of Entomological
This is a collection of Terminology, Entomological and Arthropodal in general.

Apiculture Vocabulary
Mid-Atlantic Apiculture: Glossary of Terms used in beekeeping.
Glossary Identifying Aquatic Insects
The Rose Garden Pond in the University of Michigan Dearborn Environmental Study Area is home to a variety of aquatic insects, or insects that spend all or part of their life under the water.
The Insects Home Page
The Wonderful World of Insects, introducing the insect in all its amazing variety, with links to the many more detailed pages that make up this site.
Names of Insects
Common Names of Insects in Canada (revised 1999) - Edited by: E. M. Belton & D. C. Eidt.
Glossary of Insect
Glossary of Insect and Related Plant Terms and Order Characteristics.
Woody Pest Glossary
WoodyPest Glossary: abdomen, aphids, biological control by habitat manipulation, chilopoda, ...
Glossary of Entomology and Crop Protection
A glossary of terms related to Entomology, Crop Protection and Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
Insects Glossary
Insects: Glossary - This is a glossary of terms used in the Insects Science Kit.
Glossary of Ant Terms
Ft. Lauderdale Research and Education Center - University of Florida.
FFA Study Materials Glossary
FFA Study Materials for Entomology Contests.
Glossary Gartner
The world of information technology is filled with a wide variety of industry-specific jargon.

Glossaries and Terminologies:

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