Glossary of Horticulture Terms, Lexicon, and Abbreviations
Horticulture Solutions Series
Fascinating glossary containing a wealth of information about horticulture. Explanations are well-written and easy to understand. Anyone interested in plants and gardening should definitely download this dictionary.
Horticulture Glossary
Glossary of Horticultural Terms.
Plant Anatomy Glossary
Plant Anatomy Glossary.
Rose Glossary
This glossary and Classification of Roses will help with various rose and horticultual terms.
Plant Pathology Terminology
On-Line Glossary of Technical Terms in Plant Pathology with pronunciation guide.
Plant Dictionary - Plantfacts, Ohio State University
Plant Dictionary is an indexed system of teaching resources for the discipline of Horticulture and Crop Science.
Plant Glossary - Plantfacts
Learn the definition of many commonly used horticultural terms.
Pollen & Spore Terminology
Glossary of Pollen and Spore Terminology - Literature.
Mushrooms - Houby
A Short Czech-Latin-English Mushroom Glossary.
Glossaries and Terminologies: