Glossary of Geology Terms, Lexicon, and Abbreviations
Paleontology Glossary of Terms
Glossary of paleontological and related terms defined at this site.
Glossary of geological terms
Glossary of geological terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Geologic Glossary
Welcome to the Geologylink® geologic glossary.
Seismology/ Geology Glossary
Definitions of Seismology and Geology terms.
Geology and Earth Science Terms
Geology and Earth Science Terms and Definitions.
Geology Glossary
Dictionary of Geology - Geologic Glossary - ablation through avalanche.
Geologylink geologic glossary.
Choose the appropriate starting letter to find the word you are looking for.
International Geological Terms
Term Dictionary of the International Geological Map of Europe and Adjacent Areas (IGME 5000).
Dictionary of Geologic Terms - Basic Geology and Surface Geochemical Exploration on the World Wide Web.
Glossaries and Terminologies: