Glossary of Gastronomy Terms, Lexicon, and Abbreviations

Gastronomical Dictionary
The Gastronomical Dictionary is meant for hotel-keepers, refreshers,^hall staff, hotel schools students, and even forrestorers clients.
Short Gastronomic Glossary
Short Gastronomic Glossary - Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista - This glossary contains words and expressions that you may encounter when you go shopping for food.
Gastronomical Dictionary
Where Will You Dine? Gastronomical Dictionary in Italian, English, French, Spanish and Germany.
Gastronomical Dictionary
Dove Andiamo A Cena Stasera? //Where Will You Dine? (Dizionario Gastronomico).
Gastronomical Dictionary
The Gastronomical Dictionary in Italian, Spanish, English, German and French Language<.
Cuisine Glossary
Momo's Restaurant.
Honey Glossary
National Honey Board: Consumers: Honey Glossary.
Butter : Glossary
Butter through the ages. Information about the history, chemistry, manufacture, and storage of butter.
Champagne Glossary
Champagne Vocabulary Glossary.

Glossaries and Terminologies:

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