Glossary of Fisheries Terms, Lexicon, and Abbreviations

Glossary of Fisheries Terms
Defining Fisheries: a User's Glossary.
Fisheries Technical Terms
Definition of fisheries technical terms.
Glossary Fisheries
Marine Fisheries & Aquaculture Series: Glossary.
Glossary of Terms Related to Fisheries Management
Other glossaries of fisheries terms are available from North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries and from the United Nations Fisheries and Agriculture Organization.
Defining Fisheries: A User's Glossary
Louisiana Sea Grant College Program – Louisiana State University.
FAO Fisheries Glossary
Fisheries Glossary from the Food and Agriculture. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Corsican Fish Glossary (PDF Document)
Glossary of Fish Related Terms.
Search FishBase
A big collection of data on fish. A Global Information System on Fishes - The purpose of this page is to give you background information on FishBase, a global information system with all you ever wanted to know about fishes.
Multilingual Fish Dictionary
Fish related data (information about the length-weight ratios ), List of Fish Names (The names are listed alphabetically in accordance with their Latin designation ).
Fish Glossary
Names of saltwater fishes in Swedish, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and last, but not least, in Latin.
Fish Glossary
Fins: the Fish Information Service Glossary.
Coarse terminology varies for many different reasons
Monolingual English definitions on terms used by coarse anglers.
Glossary of terms Fisheries
Australian Fisheries Management Authority.
The Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia (RFE)
The Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia (RFE) is a compilation of data in several formats that assists with the accurate identification of fish species.
Protected Resources Glossary
NOAA Fisheries National Oceanic and atmospheric Administration.
NWFSC Glossary - Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Northwest Fisheries Science Center is one of six regional Science Centers for NOAA Fisheries.

Glossary of fishery terms
This is a glossary of terms used in fisheries, fisheries management and fisheries science.
Find a Fish
This list of fish terms is reproduced largely from McCulloch,.
Fish Glossary
Fish Glossary by Andreas Iliopoulos and George J. Reclos.
Glossary of Fisheries Terms
The Glossary of Fisheries Terms is designed to be a comprehensive guide to legal, management, scientific and technical terms relating to fisheries.
Fisheries Glossary (PDF Document)
Glossary of Common Fisheries Terms.
General Terms
Blue Crab Glossary. The Blue Crab Archives.
Marine, Brackish water, and Freshwater Resources Thesaurus
Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA). Thesaurus in English, Spanish and French.
ASFA Thesaurus produced by Thesaurus Builder
Search in the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts Thesaurus.
Fish Habitat Glossary
AOC Fish Habitat Glossary of Terms.

Glossaries and Terminologies:

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