Glossary of Economy Economics Finance Terms, Lexicon, and Abbreviations

Glossary Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
Glossary, Abbreviations and Acronyms Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation.
History of Economic
This web site serves as a repository of collected links and information on the history of economic thought, from the ancient times until the modern day.
Accounting, Business Studies and Economics Dictionary
Welcome to possibly the most comprehensive business related dictionary on the internet for students.
Forecasting Dictionary
Searchable dictionary with terms extracted from the "Principles of Forecasting: A Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners".
Glossary Finance
Glossary of International Banking & Finance Acronyms and Abbreviations.
Finance Glossary
Finance Glossary : finance, investment and stock market definitions.
Glossary Economics
Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Glossary of Economic Terms
A glossary of commonly used economic terms, provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
CyberEconomics Title Page
Welcome to CyberEconomics, a complete, online textbook for introductory economics.
Principles of Economics
Essential Principles of Economics: A Hypermedia Text.
Economics 311
Economics 311 Past Exams.
Economics 102
Principles of Macroeconomics Page.
Economics 421
Economics 421 - Introduction to Econometrics.

Economics 464
This page contains syllabi, exams and homeworks for Economics 463, Public Finance, and Economics 464 ...
Forfaiting Glossary
International Forfaiting Association - Forfaiting Glossary.
NYSE Glossary
NYSE, New York Stock Exchange.
Welcome to the Internet Edition of Macroeconomics: An Introduction by Charles R. Nelson.
Fundraising Dictionary (PDF Document)
The AFP Fundraising Dictionary Online.
Economic Terms
Economic Terms, Glossary Of Economic Terms.
The Motley Fool Glossary
No one likes jargon, especially when it comes to talking about finances.
Economics Glossary (PDF Document)
Glossary on macroeconomics from a gender perspective Prepared by BRIDGE in collaboration with GTZ - German Technical Cooperation.

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