Glossary of Culinary Terms, Lexicon, and Abbreviations

Linda's Culinary Dictionary
A Dictionary and History of Cooking, Food, and Beverage Terms.
Steinar's Culinary Home Page
French-English-Norwegian word list of restaurant menu items.
The Cook's Thesaurus
The Cook's Thesaurus is a cooking encyclopedia that covers thousands of ingredients and kitchen tools. Entries include pictures, descriptions, synonyms, pronunciations, and suggested substitutions.
Asian Food Glossary
Asia Food Glossary Term: Abalone, Anise Pepper, Asparagus bean, ...
Glossary of sushi-related terms - Sushi Vocabulary
This page contains a list of some sushi-related words and phrases which you might find on this site or in a sushi bar. This page lists short definitions; in many cases the links under each term lead to further information.
Culinary Italian-English Glossary
Marche Voyager - Italian-English menu translator.
A Glossary of Culinary Herbs
Here are some of the most common culinary herbs. Use this is as a guide to herbs, but experiment to find your favorite flavors and combinations.
Sugar Glossary
This is a glossary of most of the technical terms which appear in the text.
CuisineNet Digest: French Menu Terms
A Short List of French Menu Terms.
The Ultimate Sushi Glossary
The Ultimate Sushi glossary of sushi, fish, squids, roes, and other ingredients (Japanese into English, French, and German.).
Sushi Vocabulary
Here's a glossary of Japanese sushi terms to help you figure out just what you're ordering in a sushi bar.

Culinary Dictionary
Good Cooking's Culinary and Wine Dictionary.
Culinary Glossary
FoodWorks International. Glossary of Culinary Terminology.
Culinary Terms & Definitions
Bedrock Press is an excellent resource for easy-to-follow gourmet recipes, menus and practical information covering all aspects of preparing, ...
Glossary of Culinary Meat Terms
When you are dealing with and ultimately cooking meat, it is important to be familiar with all the recipe terms to ensure you experience the best possible.
Culinary Dictionaries
Recipes for all types of foods including meat, poultry, fruit, vegetables, seafood, herbs, spices, condiments, breads, and more.
Citrus Guide (Lemons,Limes, Oranges, Grapefruits)
The citrus guide is presented in conjunction with Four Winds Growers. Photos and text courtesy of Four Winds Growers.
Fruit Glossary
List of common gardening terms used when growing fruit.
Culinary Dictionaries and Glossaries
Culinary Dictionaries (52 Glossaries).
Culinary Terms
Gourmet Foods has over 1,400 kitchen tips, food fixes, techniques and emergency substitutions.
Culinary Terms
Simplot Foodservice - Culinary Terms.
Culinary Corner
Food Industry Culinary Slang.

Glossaries and Terminologies:

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