Glossary of Biodiversity Terms, Lexicon, and Abbreviations

Glossary of Biodiversity Terms
This terms are used by UNEP-WCMC and as such have been defined as UNEP-WCMC interprets them.
Biodiversity glossary of terms
Terms and definitions related to actions to save, study, and use earth's biotic wealth sustainably and equitably.
Farming in the UK
An interactive visualization showing the real-time output of the UK farming industry.
Mammal Glossary
UTEP Biodiversity Collections Glossary.
Aquatic Biodiversity
EPA Aquatic Biodiversity - Glossary.
Glossary of terms related to the CBD
Belgian Clearing-House-Mechanism : Glossary of biodiversity related terms.
Biodiversity Glossary
Maryland Sea Grant Marine Education: Biofilms and Biodiversity Glossary.
Biodiversity Glossary (PDF Document)
Definitions of Biodiversity Terms.
Biodiversity Glossary
Clare Biodiversity: Glossary of Terms.
Biodiversity Glossary of Terms
Glossary of some Biodiversity related terms.
Biodiversity glossary of terms
Terms and definitions related to actions to save, study, and use earth's biotic wealth sustainably and equitably.
Biodiversity Glossary
The Business and Biodiversity Resource Centre- Glossary.
Glossary for Biogeography
Terms are arranged according to the following subject categories: biogeography, ecology, evolution, landscape ecology, and taxonomy.
The National Biodiversity Network's Species Dictionary
The Species Dictionary aims to provide a standard reference for names of organisms found in the United Kingdom. It is a project of the National Biodiversity Network and is hosted and managed by the Natural History Museum, London.
Biodiversity and Conservation
Biodiversity and Conservation: A Hypertext Book.
Glossary Biodiversity
Slater Museum of Natural History - Biodiversity Resources - Dragonflies - Glossary.

Glossaries and Terminologies:

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