Glossary of Audio Terms, Lexicon, and Abbreviations

Audio Glossary
Glossary of audio terminology definitions on the web.: In this section you will find definitions to some of the more common (and uncommon) terms used in descriptions of audio components.
Pro Audio Glossary
Pro Audio Reference - Site updated semiannually.
Captioning Terms
Glossary of Captioning Terms, Captions are the "audio " for deaf and hard of hearing people.
Colour Television
A glossary of commonly used terms related to Colour Television.
Audio Glossary
An Audio Dramatist's Lexicon.
Audio Glossary
Tube audio, glossary, tube cad journal, circuits, terms.
The Audio Glossary
The Audio Glossary - Reprinted by permission of Galaxy Audio, Wichita, KS.
Home-Audio Glossar
Home-Audio Glossar Page 1 -
Glossary of Audio Terms
Glossary of Audio Terms Compiled by MartinLogan.
Audio Terms
Technology / Home Audio Glossary.
Audio Glossary ACI
Audio Glossary at ACI - What does it mean? Find out here..
Audio Glossary
The Audio Glossary.
Audio Glossary
Here is a list of most basic words and terms you will generally come across.

Glossaries and Terminologies:

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