Glossary of Adoption Terms, Lexicon, and Abbreviations (Children and Family)
Adoption Glossary
Adoption almost has its own language. Here are the some common terms that pop up during adoption, and what they really mean. Types of adoption, Family terms and The adoption process.
Glossary Adoption
AFCARS Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System.
Adoptionology - Adoption Glossary
The Internet's largest glossary of adoption terms...
Adoption Glossary
Life Style / Adoption Glossary.
Adoption Glossary
This Adoption Glossary is a series of excerpts from The Family of Adoption by Joyce Maguire-Pavao, Beacon Press, Boston, ©1998, and is reproduced with her permission for the purpose of helping birth parents and adoptive parents distinguish between the many different types of adoption available to them as they begin the process of making an adoption plan and on creating a family of adoption.
Glossary Adoption Process
Intercountry Adoption - Glossary.
This is a glossary of many terms commonly used within adoption. It includes legal terminology. It is not meant to be an all-inclusive glossary, but it gives you a basic reference point for communicating effectively as you proceed in adoption.
Adoption and fostering glossary
A guide to the adoption and fostering legal, medical and social work terminology used on Be My Parent online and in the Be My Parent newspaper.
Adoption Glossary
Bay Area Adoption Services - Parents Helping Parents.
Glossary of Adoption Terms
Do you know what an "adoption decree" is? How about "an independent adoption"?
Adoption Glossary
California Adoption agencies represents licensed public and private adoption agencies: Adoption Glossary.
Glossaries and Terminologies: