Acronyms, Abbreviations and Initialisms Online Thesaurus
A list of the most common abbreviations.
Chat abbreviations
Ever wondered what all those acronyms mean in chat sessions, this will give you a guide to understanding them.
Acronym Glossary
Acronym Glossary Look-up Results - Your search found 340 match(es).
Google Acronym Generator
Just enter any short word below and you’ll see how the new Google Code will suggest acronyms.
Acronyms & Abbreviations
ATM suRveillance Tracker And Server (ARTAS) - Airtraffic Abbreviations.
Random selection of popular acronyms
Welcome to acronyms list. We currently keep track of more than 40,000 acronyms and abbreviations in different specialized categories.
Human Genome Acronym List
Human Genome Acronym List maintained by HGMIS for the U.S. D.O.E. Human Genome Program.
Medical Abbreviations Dictionary
Search through our database of over 200,000 medical, biotech, pharma and healthcare acronyms abbreviations by using our search engine boxes.
Acronyms and Abbreviations
This list of acronyms and abbreviations contains terms that are used at SEMATECH and in the semiconductor industry.
Acronyms and Abbreviations (PDF Document)
Glossary of The European Union
Glossary of The European Union and European Communities (Acronyms, Initiatives, Institutions, Policies, Programmes and Terms).
Global Change Acronyms and Abbreviations
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center - ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS.
Acronyms and Abbreviations
This page contains acronyms and abbreviation commonly used in pulp, paper printing, packaging and forest product industries.
What is an Acronym?
Acronyms, initialisms, and alphabetisms are abbreviations that are formed using the initial components in a phrase or name.
List of Chat Acronyms & Text Messaging Shorthand
Acronyms, Text Messaging Shorthand, IM, SMS - NetLingo The Internet Dictionary: Online Dictionary of Computer and Internet Terms, Acronyms, Text Messaging, Smileys.
Internet Engineering Task Force
Ethylene Abbreviations
APPENDIX E: Glossary of Selected Terms, Abbreviations and Organizations.
Acronym Pharma Expander
Pharma Acronym & Abbreviation.
Compendium of Environmental and Professional Acronyms
Compendium of environmental and professional acronyms (cepa or cea).
GovSpeak Abbreviations
GovSpeak: A Guide to U.S. Government Acronyms & Abbreviations.
APRONYMS: Acronyms’ Particular Relevancy Often Notify Your Meaning Strongly
APRONYMS is a collection of original, entertaining and often educational apronyms which various people have made. An apronym is a special kind of acronym ...
Forestry Acronyms & Initialisms
Definitions for Forestry Acronyms and Initialisms.
Bloody List of Acronyms
pi's Yet Another Bloody List of Acronyms.
Search Acronyms & Abbreviations:
Opaui: Acronyms, Abbreviations, Initialisms.
GovSpeak Acronyms
A Guide to Government Acronyms & Abbreviations.
Transportation and Logistics Acronyms
Search transport acronyms, transportation acronyms, logistics acronyms, supply chain acronyms, freight acronyms, warehousing acronyms, aviation acronyms, trucking acronyms, defense and military acronyms, and U.S. government acronyms.
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
Abbreviations and acronyms relating to carbor dioxide research and analysis used at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Acronyms European Commission (PDF Document)
Definitions given below apply to the words asused in this guide.
Acronym Finder
Acronym Finder by
Nautical Acronyms and Abbreviations
The Nautical Institute - Acronyms and Abbreviations.
Acronym & Abbreviation Meanings -- Business & Technical
Meta-index for locating the meaning of acronyms by searching across a range of sources on the Internet.
ARM Acronyms - Glossary
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Glossary.
Job Abbreviations (PDF Document)
University of Illinois Position/Job Title Abbreviations List
Scientific and Technical Acronyms, Symbols, and Abbreviations
With 200,000 entries in over eighty different fields, Scientific and Technical Acronyms, Symbols, and Abbreviations is the most comprehensive reference of its type, covering more scientific and technical disciplines than any other available book.
Acronym Dictionary
Acronyms and Abbreviations Dictionary.
English abbreviations and acronyms
English abbreviations and acronyms (1125 definitions Text or Word or PDF to Download).
Abbreviations Environment
Terms of Environment: Glossary, Abbreviations and Acronyms.
Glossaries and Terminologies: