Acronyms, Abbreviations and Initialisms Online Thesaurus
The world's largest and most comprehensive directory and search engine for acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms on the Internet.
Acronym Finder
Acronym, searchable database and abbreviation dictionary: Find out what over 2,984,000 abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms stand for computers, government, telecommunications, and military situations.
All Acronyms is the most comprehensive and user-friendly dictionary for all acronyms and abbreviations.
Acronyms and Abbreviations in Engineering
Drafting Standards Acronyms Complied by Allan Wise, based in Australia.
Military Acronyms
Military Acronyms, Initialisms, and Abbreviations.
Acronym list
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center - ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS.
Cartography Acronyms
Dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms in geographic information systems, cartography, and remote sensing.
Job Code Title Abbreviation List
This list is for use with the PeopleSoft Application and Electronic Documents (E-Docs).
Glossary of Abbreviations : This listing is provided without the slightest claim, warranty, guarantee of accuracy or completeness. It is certainly incomplete, and users are warned that although anabbreviation is expanded here, their particular abbreviation may have a different meaning.
Internet Marketing Acronyms
Acronym Finder : The Web's Acronym Database.
1,123 Professional title acronyms and abbreviations.
Federal Contracting Acronyms
The Business Files~Glossary of Federal Contracting Acronyms.
List of Acronym Websites
The Opaui Guide to Lists of Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms on the World Wide Web.
Acronyms for employees
Commonly-Used Acronyms and Abbreviations:
Glossary Acronym List
Glossary of NIH Terms.
Postal Service Abbreviations
States and Possessions, Street Suffixes and Secondary Unit Designators.
College of Southern Nevada Acronyms
HR Acronyms and Commonly Used Terms.
Retrospective Journal Abbreviations
Retrospective Journal Abbreviations: "A" through "Al".
AbbreviationZ - The A to Z of Acronyms, Abbreviations & Initialisms on the Net
Acronyms & Abbreviations by Category.
Commonly-used HR Acronyms
HR acronyms are abbreviations dealing with the human resources of a company which are formed by including the first letters of each important word in a title.
Management Acronyms
Operations Management and Quality Management - Acronym List.
Airport Acronyms
Airports & Air Traffic - Acronym Glossary.
Acronym & Term Definitions
Search has a great, searchable glossary.
Abbreviations Used in Engineering and Construction
A list of common abbreviations found on drawings or in general use in structural engineering, architecture and construction.
Please use search, the list of categories or letter index to find definitions (more than 611,000 published) for acronyms and abbreviations.
Abbreviations and Acronyms of the U.S. Government
Lists federal government abbreviations and acronyms. Includes links to official government web sites.
Acronym Directory
ACRO.IT: Be informed about the meanings! - Collection for information technology and related subjects.
Aircraft Abbreviations
The following abbreviations are found in aviation insurance applications, policies, aircraft advertisements, manuals and pilot operating handbooks.
Abbreviations Engineering
ANSI Abbreviations for Scientific and Engineering Terms.
Acronym Arsenal
Computer and communication acronyms.
Acronym Guide: The Internet's directory of acronyms by topic
A directory of common acronyms by topic, Everything from military and medical to computer and financial acronyms and abbreviations: (Business Acronyms, Car & Automotive Acronyms, Chat Acronyms, Education Acronyms, Everyday Acronyms, Financial Acronyms, Geography Acronyms, Government Acronyms, Internet Acronyms, Media Acronyms, Medical & Science Acronyms, Military Acronyms, Mogambo Guru Acronyms, Music & Musician Acronyms, Organization Acronyms, Plastic Acronyms, Real Estate Acronyms, Religious Acronyms, Sports Acronyms, State Abbreviations and Technology & Electronics Acronyms).
Acronym Master List for LANL
Large list of acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, and short forms that are used by or useful to Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Engineering drawing Acronyms
Engineering drawing abbreviations and symbols From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glossary of Terms & Acronyms
This page provides abbreviated descriptions of terms commonly used in discussing privacy issues (Office of the Privacy Commissioner).
Eurostat's Metadata Server abbreviations
CODED (Eurostat's Concepts and Definitions Database) and other online glossaries relating to survey statistics.
Technical Acronyms
Glossary of Technical terms, Net Terms, Technical Acronyms etc - Technology Info, Tips, FAQs You Can Use.
Engineering Abbreviations
Engineers work internationally to design most of what is around us.
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Online translation lookup of English and German. The data base, consisting of more than 12.000 acronyms.
Acronym Search
Acronym Search - Your source for acronyms and abbreviations.
Allacronyms Engineering
1,058 Engineering acronyms and abbreviations:
Apronyms Education
APRONYMS is a collection of original, entertaining and often educational apronyms which various people have made.
A Dictionary of Quaternary Acronyms and Abbreviations
The Dictionary of Quaternary Acronyms and Abbreviations: Introduction.
Broadband Acronyms & Definitions
The Internet's Largest Source for Acronyms about Broadband. Flexible Acronym Lookup and Indexing.
Dictionary Automotive Acronyms
A, page 1 terms list from the online Dictionary Automotive Acronyms.
Glossary (PDF Document)
Glossary of Terms Used in Terminology.
Investment Acronyms
An international lexicon of economic, investing and political acronyms.
Dictionary of Initials, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
Counselor Acronym Initial or Abbreviation Used by Mental Health and Addiction Therapists Psychotherapists and Social Workers.
eBay Acronyms
Abbreviations one might find in eBay item listings and on community discussion boards.
Investment Acronym Glossary - How will you spend your future?
Terminology (PDF Document)
General and special terms of the field of Terminolog.
Biomedical Acronym Resolver
A comprehensive catalog of biomedical acronyms and abbreviations, containing approximately 238,000 out of an estimated 256,000 unique acronyms.
Glossaries and Terminologies: