Glossary of 3D Terms, Lexicon, and Abbreviations
3D Glossary Terms and Definitions
An extensive glossary of 3D animation terms, and their definitions.
3D Glossary
Stereo Photography- The World in 3D - 3D Glossary.
Glossary 3D
Here are some terms commonly used in Stereo Photography.
3D Glossary
3D Glossary Hardware Secrets.
3D Computer Graphics Glossary. Dictionary, terms, definitions.
3D Glossary
3D Glossary -
3D Glossary
the Guru 3D Glossary od 3D terms.
3D Glossary (PDF Document)
Terms for 3d Graphics.
3D Dictionary
Comprehensive online glossary of 3D Terms.
3G Glossary
Glossary of 3G terms from A to Z.
Glossaries and Terminologies: