Glossary of Food Asian Terms, Lexicon, Abbreviations and Definitions
Access to Asian Vegetables Thesaurus
This site accommodates a thesaurus of the key Asian Vegetables and the different names that these vegetables are also commonly known under.
Asia Food Glossary
Asia Society's Asia Food - The source for Asian food information and recipes.
Glossary of Food terms
Bawarchi: Glossary of English to Hindi Terms.
Japanese eating culture for westerners
Eating and cultural information for Japan with links to asian recipes, food information, food culture, cooking methods, country information, food substitutions, and food history for asia.
Different Asian Food
Asian foods cooking ingredients glossary for asian recipes.
Indian Cooking Glossary, English - Hindi
Recipes-Indian vegetarian & non vegetarian food to cook, Glossary of English to Hindi.
Japanese/Western Dining Etiquette
Japan and western dining etiquette with culture information, food and recipes from asia.
Glossary of Japanese Food
A collection of delicious recipes divided into ten categories.
Glossaries and Terminologies: