Dictionary of Genealogy Terms, Glossary and Lexicon

Dictionary of Genealogy
Dictionary of Genealogy & Archaic Terms.
The Correct Spelling of the Word GENEALOGY.
Genealogy Dictionary
The Olive Tree Genealogy: Dictionary of Terms.
Genealogy Encyclopedia
Terminology & Meanings of Genealogical Terms.
Norwegian Genealogy Dictionary
Martin's Norwegian Genealogy Dictionary.
A Glossary of Scots terms
SCOTLAND - a glossary of archaic terms, as well as a number of Modern Scots words and phrases, useful for genealogical research.
Awesome Free Translation
Search vital records for your family, including census images, birth records, marriage records and death records.
Dictionary Genealogy
Latin English Dictionary and Hungarian English Dictionary.
Latin terms
Latin to English ancestry wordlist.
Latin English Terms Genealogy
A dictionary of Latin terms for the genealogist.
Basic genealogical Vocabulary
Genealogy Sudetenland: Basic genealogical dictionary Czech-German-English.
Genealogy Dictionary
Genealogy.com: Genealogy dictionary.

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Glossaries and Terminologies:

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