Dictionary of Dictionary of Falconry Terms, Lexicon, Abbreviations and Definitions

Bird glossary
American Falconry. Here is a short glossary to reference commonly used falconry vernacular.
Bird Glossary
Bird Prey Experience.
Falconry Glossary
There are many different words in the falconer's vocabulary which have been handed down through history.
Falconry Terms
Glossary of Falconry Terms.
Falconry Glossary
The vocabulary of falconry is not commonly known, but is important to understanding falconry writing and the practice of falconry.
Falconry Glossary
Here is a glossary for you folks who don't automatically know a mute from a rouse.
Ohio Falconry Association
Observing a unique relationship between hawks and humans in the pursuit of wild prey.
Falconry Terms
Glossary of falconry terms.

Glossaries and Terminologies:

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