English-Quenya Dictionary Online and Free English-Quenya Translation

Quenya Reverse Wordlist (in downloadable PDF format)
Wordlist by Helge K. Fauskanger.
English-Quenya Dictionary (in downloadable PDF format)
Quenya-English and English-Quenya Dictionary.
Quenya-English (Word Document) - English-Quenya (Word Document)
As for Tolkien's earliest "Qenya" as described in the "Qenya Lexicon" of 1915, no attempt has been made to include all of this material ...
Quenya Dictionary (in downloadable PDF format)
Quenya English Dictionary - Taryn East.
This little wordlist is an attempt to collect those Quenya words which are not found (at least not exactly in such forms) in published corpus, but are commonly used by writers because of the lack of vocabulary.
Quenya Dictionary (Word Document)
English Quenya Dictionary.
Quenya Wordlists
The latter lists Quenya words written backwards, so that words that rhyme or have the same endings are grouped together (useful both for poets and for people studying Quenya derivational endings).
Quenya Language
The Language of the Elves
English-Quenya Dictionary (in downloadable PDF format) - Quenya-English Dictionary (in downloadable PDF format)
Quenya Dictionary by Helge K. Fauskanger.

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