English-Etruscan Dictionary Online and Free English-Etruscan Translation
Etruscan relating to ancient Etruria, its people and their language of ancient Etruria.
Etruscan Vocabulary
An Etruscan Vocabulary.
Etruscan Glossary
Etruscan Glossary by Patrick C. Ryan.
Etruscan Phrases
Sample Etruscan Scripts and Alphabet.
Etruscan Glossary
A Tentative Etymological Glossary of Etruscan by Arnaud Fournet.
Etruscan Glossary
Etruscan Glossary Compilation and translations from French, Italian and Latin by Rick Mc Callister and Silvia Mc Callister-Castillo.
Etruscan Vocabulary
Etruscan English Vocabulary.
Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans (in downloadable PDF format)
... and written or edited several books and numerous articles on Etruscan. Italy and related subjects.
Etruscan Glossary (Scribd ebook)
Etruscan Glossary Glen Gordon.
Etruscan Glossary
This glossary of Etruscan words is selected from Indo-European Table 1 which is a map showing the relationships of the words found in the Etruscan vocabulary.
Etruscan Glossary (in downloadable PDF format)
A Tentative Etymological Glossary of Etruscan.
Etruscan Phrases
Etruscan Phrases by Mel Copeland (from a work published in 1981).
Vocabolario Etrusco
Etruscan Italian Vocabulary
Etruscan inscriptions
By Crawford, Alexander Crawford Lindsay, Earl of, 1812-1880.
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