English-Language Free online Dictionary / Dictionaries Collection & List

OneLook Dictionary and Glossary List
General dictionaries and glossaries indexed by the OneLook search engine.
European minority languages
Index by language family - Other directories and information.
Online Dictionaries
Terminology Collection: Online Dictionaries.
Dictionaries and Directories
Dictionaries, Directories, and Legal Citation Manuals.
E. L. Easton - English Online
Languages online - Materials for Teaching & Learning.
Online Dictionaries
Bi- and Multilingual Dictionaries - Monolingual Resources - Other (commercial) resources.
Language and Translation Center
Martindale's ''he Reference Desk' - International Art, Business, Science & Technology.
Categorized index of language and subject dictionaries.
English Dictionary - With Multi-Lingual Search
Online Dictionary, Language Guide, Foreign Language and Etymology.
The Alternative Dictionaries
The Alternative Dictionaries: Slang, profanities, insults and vulgarisms from all the world.
Language Dictionaries
Language Dictionaries and Glossaries (Afrikaans, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Ukrainian).

Dictionary Building Software
Dictionary Building Software for Reporters, Captioners, & CART Reporters.
eLook Dictionary
Online Dictionary: Meanings and Definitions - eLook.org.
All Free Dictionaries Project
Universal dictionary - English dictionary - English thesaurus ...
The Century Dictionary Online
The Century Dictionary Project, another innovative offering from Global Language Resources, introduces a unique approach to publishing dictionaries online.
over 100 links to various dictionaries of about 40 languages.
A Dictionary of Comprehension
A Dictionary of Comprehension in 29 languages (Chinese Danish Dutch Finnish French German Hindi Hungarian Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latin Malay Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbo-Croatian Slovenian Spanish Swahili Swedish Tagalog Turkish Ukrainian Vietnamese).
EZresearch.com - Dictionaries, foreign, translations, websters.
Over 2,500 Glossary Links
The WWW is a wonderful place. Here are hundreds of the glossaries and dictionaries.
Word of the Day - Spanish Word of the Day - Language Resources - Other Dictionaries.
Online dictionaries and language resources
A directory of online bilingual and multilingual dictionaries. The site has a fully searchable database with over 5000 dictionaries referenced.
Collection of Web-Dictionaries
The index lists some available internet dictionaries.
Linguistic Data Resources on the Internet
Collection of links to various online dictionaries and other lexical references.

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