Dictionary of the Bible Online Free

Multilingual Bible
The ARTEL Project Multilingual Bibles Latin Vulgate.
Louis Segond Bible
The ARTEL Project Multilingual Bibles Louis Segond Bible.
Smith's Bible Dictionary
Over 4,500 subjects and proper names are defined and analyzed with corresponding Scripture references.
Polyglot Bible (Mark Davies)
This is a parallel corpus of the entire Gospel of Luke in 30 languages, which allows full-text searching and side-by-side comparison of up to seven languages.
Smith's Bible Dictionary
Lookup - Smith's Bible Dictionary.
Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary
Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary - Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
Biblical Exegesis
Guide to Biblical Exegesis.
Biblical Exegesis
Lt38 - St. Thomas’ Method of Biblical Exegesis.

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