Kodanshas Furigana English-Japanese Dictionary Books
Kodanshas Furigana English-Japanese Dictionary | |
A comprehensive, communicative, and practical guide to using Japanese, Kodansha's Furigana English-Japanese Dictionary is an invaluable reference tool for anyone with an interest in the Japanese language. It has been edited with the needs of English-speaking users in mind students, teachers, business people, and casual linguists.
Paperback: 728 pages |
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Kodansha's Furigana Japanese-English Dictionary | |
Browsing through the pages of Kodansha's Furigana Japanese-English Dictionary, you will notice something different: none of the Japanese entry words appearing in this book have been romanized. Some people may be surprised by this feature, especially in that the book is seen as suitable for even absolute beginners. Others (particularly the Japanese-language instructors who pointed out the need for such a publication) will be delighted to find that a full-fledged furigana Japanese-English dictionary is finally available.
Paperback: 592 pages |
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Kodansha's Furigana Japanese Dictionary: Japanese-English English-Japanese | |
A comprehensive, communicative, and practical guide to using Japanese, Kodansha's Furigana Japanese Dictionary is an invaluable tool for anyone with an interest in the Japanese language. It has been edited with the needs of English-speaking users in mind, whether students, teachers, business people, or casual linguists, and special care has been taken at each stage of its compilation including the selection of entry words and their equivalents, the wording of the detailed explanations of Japanese words, the choice of example sentences, and even its functional page design to maximize its usefulness.
Hardcover: 1285 pages |
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Kodansha's Furigana: Japanese-English Dictionary | |
Students of Japanese will find this Japanese-English Dictionary from Kodansha International to be a strong, definitive paperback dictionary which adds Furigana readings to all kanji, provides over 16,000 vocabulary words, and adds many sample sentences as examples. An excellent, in-depth reference worth every penny of its price tag. Highly recommended!
Paperback: 592 pages |
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Kodanshas Romanized Japanese-English Dictionary | |
All 16,000 entries are presented in both romanized and standard Japanese script. Specially tailored definitions and a generous selection of sample sentences offer expert guidance on points of grammar, meaning, style, orthography, pronunciation, and punctuation. Further, the all-important foreign loan word, often ignored in other basic dictionaries, is given ample coverage and in-depth treatment. At the back, three detailed appendices clearly explain such complicated areas as conjugating verbs and adjectives, counting, and articulating foreign place names in Japanese.
Paperback: 688 pages |
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Kodanshas Elementary Kanji Dictionary (Japanese for Busy People) | |
Japanese is written with hiragana and katakana two sets of phonetic characters that represent all the sounds used in the spoken language and kanji, the Chinese characters for words that contain meaning. For students, learning kanji is frequently the most difficult obstacle in mastering an otherwise straightforward language, as the number of kanji used in written Japanese can be overwhelming the largest kanji dictionary has entries for more than 50,000 kanji characters. Typically, kanji books written for non-native learners of Japanese concentrate on either a core selection of up to 250 characters, enough to read approximately half of the content in a newspaper or magazine, or on all the 1,945 characters that have been selected by the Japanese Ministry of Education for daily use.
Paperback: 542 pages |
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