Dictionary of Medical Terms Books
Stedman's Medical Dictionary | |
Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 28th Edition has been thoroughly reviewed and updated to make this dictionary the most reliable resource available for healthcare, including medical students, physicians, educators, researchers, and medical language specialists. This new edition includes over 107,000 terms and definitions, more than 5,000 new to this edition. Over 45 consultants from all the major medical and health science specialties have reviewed each word for accuracy and clarity, including new consultants for the specialties of endocrinology, gastroenterology, geriatrics, and rheumatology. The art program has also been extensively enhanced and now includes approximately 1500 images and illustrations. Readers will recognize the authoritative content contained in this new edition, and want to add it to their list of must have references.
Hardcover: 2100 pages |
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Stedman's Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing, Illustrated | |
Featuring over 54,000 entries, this thoroughly updated Sixth Edition contains the medical terminology used in over 30 of today's fastest growing health profession areas—plus comprehensive inclusion of entries suited for the nursing field. The book includes 1,000 enriched color images and photographs, detailed images by Anatomical Chart Company in a glossy insert, 68 appendices, and cut thumb tabs for quick A-to-Z reference. More than 46 leading consultants from health professions and nursing contributed to the enhancements of this edition. A bound-in bonus CD-ROM includes the features of the print edition in fully searchable format, over 48,000 audio pronunciations, approximately 50 anatomical animations, PLUS Stedman's Plus Medical/Pharmaceutical Spellchecker. Also available in the following versions: Canadian Student Nursing Association (CSNA) endorsed / custom cover imprinted with school name / HPND AUS/NZ
Hardcover: 2432 pages |
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Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions | |
This bestselling, full-color dictionary of health care terminology is well known for its combination of relevant, thorough definitions and vibrant color illustrations and line drawings that illuminate all subject areas. More than just a dictionary, you'll also find a comprehensive anatomy atlas, numerous useful appendices, and a new companion CD-ROM featuring a medical spellchecker, audio pronunciations, and English-Spanish phrase translations. The new 7th edition is thoroughly up to date with current clinical information and over 5,000 new definitions.
Hardcover: 2304 pages |
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Dorland's Pocket Medical Dictionary | |
A great medical dictionary--in a take-along size! Based on the "gold standard" of the medical community, the 26th Edition covers the must-know vocabulary, including 2800 new terms. All anatomy terms reflect the new Terminologia Anatomica and 500 new drug terms reflect the 2000 editions of the USP and PDR. It also provides full color illustrations and helpful charts and tables so all terminology is easy to understand! --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Paperback: 904 pages |
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McGraw-Hill Medical Dictionary for Allied Health | |
McGraw-Hill Medical Dictionary for Allied Health (Paperback) by Myrna Breskin (Author), Kevin Dumith (Author), Enid Pearsons (Author), Robert Seeman (Author)
Paperback: 624 pages |
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The New American Medical Dictionary and Health Manual | |
The New American Medical Dictionary and Health Manual (Paperback) by Robert E. Rothenberg (Author)
Paperback: 624 pages |
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Black's Medical Dictionary, 41st Edition | |
The 41st edition of this worldwide best-selling medical reference book presents more than 5,000 definitions and descriptions of medical terms and concepts, along with more than 100 diagrams and drawings including 16 pages of color illustrations. It includes updated and revised material on topics such as apoptosis, autism, prostheses, suicide, and transfusion. The 41st edition is an invaluable reference for a wide audience- from health care professionals and journalists to attorneys and interested consumers.
Paperback: 768 pages |
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Medical Terminology with Human Anatomy | |
Medical Terminology with Human Anatomy, 5/e* Providing comprehensive coverage of all aspects of medical terminology, this popular volume is arranged by body systems and specialty areas. Using a unique building block approach, it makes learning easy and interesting by presenting important prefixes, roots, and suffixes as they relate to each specialty or system. Readers’ vocabulary and knowledge develop in a systematic way. User-friendly in format, it includes full-color illustrations, Chapter Outlines and Objectives, Terminology Spotlights, etc. The package also includes audiocassettes, a CD-ROM, and flashcards that aid in the pronunciation and understanding of medical terms. The volume addresses fundamental word structure, the organization of the body, body systems including: integumentary; skeletal; muscular; digestive; cardiovascular, blood and the lymphatic; respiratory; urinary; endocrine; nervous system; the ear and eye; the female and male reproductive systems; oncology and radiology and nuclear medicine. For healthcare professionals and others needing a comprehensive volume of medical terminology.
Paperback: 736 pages |
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Pocket Medical Dictionary | |
Pocket-sized dictionary features many new and revised entries reflecting multiprofessional and interprofessional approaches to health care. includes new areas, such as critical care, complementary medicine, and health promotion. Provides eight appendices offering an abundance of practical information in easy-reference format. Previous edition: c1987. Plastic-coated softcover.
Paperback: 400 pages |
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Mosby's Pocket Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, & Allied Health | |
This convenient reference is the only pocket-size dictionary with a strong emphasis on nursing and allied health terminology. Derived from Mosby's Medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary, it condenses nearly all the terms in the large dictionary to incorporate only essential information. Word roots and pronunciations are included when appropriate to help readers learn and correctly use medical terminology. Screened "thumb tabs" assist in quickly locating definitions, and a hard yet flexible cover increases the dictionary's durability. This handy resource offers an alternative to students and practitioners who seek a comprehensive reference at a lower cost or who prefer the convenient size.
Paperback: 1152 pages |
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Dictionary of Medical and Health Terminology | |
Dictionary of Medical and Health Terminology (Hardcover)
Hardcover: 210 pages |
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